Showing posts with label brooklyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brooklyn. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First post!

Yippee, the first posting for my new blog! Who knew that setting up a single blog page would be so time consuming??

Anyway, I'm glad it's up before the end of summer, as my days of glorious freedom and sweet stressless bliss will soon come to an be replaced by horrible essays, strict professors, and a clampdown on summer awesomeness....but I digress.

Later this week I'll try to post my first bunch of drawings that I started while I was in Brooklyn this past May. Why is architecture so much more inspiring in NYC? Maybe I would get tired of it if I lived there permanently (doubt it). Brooklyn is home to Sleigh Bells and they're all about intense urban coolness.

Stay tuned!