Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Second story: "The Beginning"

Hi everyone! The second Ran and Rory story has been posted! This one is all about Rory and his journey from Korea to Toronto.

Hope you like it (: 

Hi there! My name is Rory and I moved into Matt and Maki's house a few months ago.

I came from far away and now I feel like I'm finally settling into M&M's home. Their place is nice - it has lots of parks close by where I can run and chase balls!

During the first month in Toronto, I as really nervous and shaky on the streetcar. I only trusted Maki and growled at other people.

One day, Matt took me for a walk and I ran away! I saw the stairs that Maki and I walk down everyday and I wanted to run home before she forgot about me…

It was scary - I had to cross a busy road and run down lots of streets before I got home.

Maki was shocked to see me in the backyard: she told me she was very worried about me (?)

Matt came home shortly afterwards and seemed upset and stressed out. I promised him I would never run away again.